Songs in the Spirit
A Collection of Essays, Short Stories & Poems
Three essays:
- A Pilgrim's Progression
- Toward a Perfect Union
- Renewed in Mother Eve - Our Noble Legacy
Latter-day Psalms:
- A Child's Rhyme
- Song of Renewal
- Song of Inspiration
- Song of Charity
- Song of Redeeming Love
- Song of Faith
- Song of Repentance
- Estimated Time of Arrival
- Song of the Christ
- ...and more
Voices Through The Veil - Eleven Testimonies
- Boundaries
- Anythingspossible Penguin
Sheet music:
- Into His Rest
- Song of the Christ
For an autographed copy: Contact me or
download FREE BOOK PDF.
What people say about it
"Very interesting, loved it, never say anything like that before." Jeff Lambson.
"Loved the stories, couldn't wait to finish. You are a very good writer." - Kim Cooney.